Health Fair Dates and Locations
We look forward to seeing you at the Fair!
0401 Castle Creek Road, Aspen
Friday, October 20
Saturday, October 21
20 Eagle County Road, El Jebel
Sunday, October 22
What to Know Before You Go:
At this time, visitors are not required to wear a mask; however as we continue to keep our eye on COVID-19 incidence levels in our community, we will post any changes and updates to the Health Fair event on this webpage.
Please check back frequently. Our ability to host the Health Fair is subject to health restrictions and orders to keep you and our staff safe.
Event details may differ from those stated per these guidelines.
Do not come to the Health Fair if you have any respiratory or COVID-like symptoms.
In the event you have any respiratory or COVID-like symptoms, you will not be allowed inside the Health Fair and you will be requested to return home and contact your physician.